Reference spectrum agilent chemstation
Reference spectrum agilent chemstation

reference spectrum agilent chemstation

The 2005/84/EC1 directive lists six phthalates (Table 1) that need to be monitored when used as plasticisers in toys and childcare articles and must be ≤ 0.1% of the mass of the product. Worldwide regulations have been set for allowable levels of phthalates in plastic toys, municipal and wastewater, textiles, and foods. In addition, a fast UHPLC method was developed and compared to the high resolution method. Plastic material from a toy was analysed, and the content of phthalates was determined. For the final method precision of retention times and areas, limits of detection (LOD) and limits of quantitation (LOQ), as well as the linearity, was evaluated. An Agilent 1290 Infinity Method Development Solution, in combination with an Agilent Method Scouting Wizard, was used for method development. This Application Note shows the development of an HPLC/UV method for nine phthalates using a phenyl-hexyl column and a ternary gradient. Many official methods are based on GC or GC/MS methods, but during the last decade LC and LC/MS methods were developed. From that time, official authorities in Europe, the US, China, and other countries have passed regulations for phthalates, especially in plastic toys. The Wiley Registry of Tandem Mass Spectral Data: MS for ID comes bundled with one of the most accurate search algorithms developed for LC-MS/MS providing fast, reproducible, and stable search results.Since the late nineteen eighties, phthalates have been under suspicion as a health risk for humans. The library demonstrates high transferability to a variety of tandem mass spectrometric instruments.

Reference spectrum agilent chemstation series#

A series of controlled conditions ensured accurate, reliable, and reproducible search results in a variety of settings. Each compound was carefully measured by the Oberacher team at the Institute of Legal Medicine, Innsbruck Medical University. Covering areas such as illicit drugs, pharmaceutical compounds, pesticides, and other small bioorganic molecules, this database is a reliable tool for the identification of small molecules with specificity usually about 95% and sensitivity exceeding 92%. The Wiley Registry of Tandem Mass Spectral Data: MS for ID consists of 12,048 positive and negative mode spectra of over 1,000 compounds of interestfor forensics, toxicology, and pathology. Wiley Registry of Tandem Mass Spectral Data, MS for ID

reference spectrum agilent chemstation

LC-MSn Library of Drugs, Poisons, and Their Metabolites, Second Edition includes instrument specific training inserts covering details on: Even the risk of false positive results can be reduced considering the metabolite patterns. Detection of metabolites increases the sensitivity, detection window and selectivity, allows confirmation of the body passage, and minimizes the risk of false negative LC-MS results possibly caused by ion suppression of the target analyte. The second edition was developed for forensic and clinical research and routine labs to quickly and accurately confirm and identify drugs, poisons, and/or their metabolites. The Maurer/Wissenbach/Weber LC-MSn Library of Drugs, Poisons, and Their Metabolites, Second Edition provides a proven metabolite-based LCMSn screening method and MS2 and MS3 spectra of over 2,270 parent compounds and over 3,600 of their metabolites, making it one of the only LC-MSn screening libraries that focuses on metabolite spectra. Optimize your metabolite-based LC-MSn screening and minimize false negative results

reference spectrum agilent chemstation

LC-MSn Library of Drugs, Poisons and Their Metabolites, 2nd Edition Substance classes include saturated and unsaturated aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic and non-aromatic sulphur and oxygen compounds, terpenes, and steroids and their degradation products. The substances have been carefully isolated and purified. de Leeuw’s group in the Department of Marine Biogeochemistry at the Netherlands Institute of Sea Research (NIOZ). The spectra were collected during an extensive project on the occurrence of resistant biomacromolecules and lipids in sedimentary organic matter and mechanisms of fossil fuel generation, as well as the chemistry of organic sulphur in the geosphere. Chemical structures elucidated, if necessary, by a variety of techniques including NMR spectroscopy and single-crystal x-ray structure analysis. Mass Spectra of Geochemicals, Petrochemicals and Biomarkers (SpecData) is a high-quality database for organic, geo, and/or petrochemist featuring 1,093 mass spectra of well-defined compounds. Optimize oil exploration and positively identify compounds with reliable biomarkers Mass Spectra of Geochemicals, Petrochemicals and Biomarkers (SpecData)

Reference spectrum agilent chemstation